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Embarcadero Delphi XE2 Update 4 16.0.4504.48759
Embarcadero Delphi XE2 Update 4 16.0.4504.48759
Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 знакомит собой полнофункциональный кулек для быстрой зрительной разработки кросс - платформенных приложений, крепких данными, для Windows, Mac OS X,. NET, PHP, веб - волеизъявлений и подвижных devices.Creating высокопроизводительных платформенных приложений для Windows, Mac, веб - волеизъявлений и подвижных приспособлений При помощи RAD Studio XE2 можно совершить приложение один раз в Delphi, а потом компилировать его для Windows, и Mac, также для сотворения приложений для IOS.
C Constructor appropriates you to compose coatings for Windowpanes and Mac, but with RadPHP can well produce coatings for the Web - established answers. Coatings RAD Studio XE2 composed into a simple and effective executable files that are loose to deploy and deal.
Accelerating the process of creating applications using the rapid development
Wednesday rapid growth appropriates about instantaneously produce a ocular paradigm. You can get real - time client feedback on the real paradigm graphic exploiter port, before proceeding to further stages of growth. In RAD Studio XE2 besides admits chiliads of progressed - extensile factors, reclaimable, and quickening the growth process.
Create interactive applications with attractive interface
Admitted in RAD Studio XE2 Coating Program - VCL and FireMonkey - helps developers to apace progress clientele coatings with a obligating exploiter port and outstanding potential to associate to data and services. VCL program planned to produce a bequest coating with a graphic exploiter port established on forms Win32/Win64. To draw the exploiter port to this program, use the controlling organization and coating programming ports, such as GDI. FireMonkey - a complete program for clientele coatings with which developers can progress clientele coatings for Windowpanes, Mac and iOS, applying high - definition artwork and 3D - artwork iimeyuschie highly high speed.
Creating applications with unlimited connectivity
If you are applying RAD Studio coatings can associate to democratic databases, applying high - speed functions. You can produce multi - grade coatings with Windowpanes waiters and client support crosswise multiple controlling sistemah.Mozhno besides associate to a wide range of data and services.
Год: 2012 Язык: британский Пилюля: находится Размер: 4 Gb